Flowers, chocolates, candlelight dinners and sometimes even diamonds. Expressions of romantic love, tenderness, and lots of X’s and O’s. Hallmark card words and Hallmark movie dreams. So much expectation for one 24 hour day out of 365.
This is Valentine’s Day.
But the very day that’s meant to be a celebration of LOVE, can feel like a cruel joke.
Your heart has been broken, beaten, battered, betrayed. Split wide in two and then shattered along the way. You’ve spent years picking up pieces, but now, now the shards are too small. All you do is bleed.
Or maybe your heart is cold. You feel dead inside. Numb. You wouldn’t want to feel anything anyway, because all you’d feel is pain. So you try real hard not to feel anything at all. But the truth is, you DO feel. Underneath that thick crust of ice, your heart is boiling hot with anger. You never deserved any of this.
Or maybe, your heart is sick and tired of being alone. Single. And it terrifies you to think that THIS may be your lot in life: Never having another heart knit to yours. Your loneliness and longing eat away at your soul. Joy is nothing but elusive.
Friend, if you belong to Christ, take heart. For He has YOUR heart.
Jesus is the Greatest Lover. All other loves fail miserably in comparison. He is the Greatest Lover because HE Himself is the very definition of love. What mere mortal is perfectly patient, kind, selfless, peaceful, humble and enduring in their intensity of love? What man or woman is able to bear all things? Able to never be rude, or resentful or irritable?
Jesus is Faithful and True. He promises to never leave you, betray you, abandon you. He can’t lie or deceive you. He can’t. And He won’t. Ever.
He is Unchangeable. By His very nature, He cannot change. He remains the same. His love for you is constant. There is no ebb and flow. No shadow of turning. His love for you is continuous, steady, immovable and unshakeable.
Sickness, separation, and death can cause the most ardent of lovers to be parted. But Jesus can’t ever be separated from those belonging to Him. You can’t shake Him, you can’t lose Him, no matter what trial you go through. He’s right there, holding you tight.
Though you may be tempted to pursue other lovers, and though you may be unfaithful, He is always is true. Though your love for Him may weaken and wane, His never fails.
Christ’s love for you is the most passionate and powerful love story of all time. The romance stories the world gives are just shadows of this reality. For while you were yet a sinner separated from God, He died for you. He willingly laid down His life to rescue you and restore you to have a forever, loving relationship with Him! Where do you find that kind of love? Where do you find that kind of lover? Jesus is the Noble and Valiant Warrior who has fought to win your love with His life.
Though His love is fierce and strong, His heart for you is gentle. His heart is always bidding your heart, “Come to Me…”. He knows all about your broken heart, your lonely heart, your angry heart. Go and be with Him, you will find rest. The joy that seems so elusive? You’ll find it abundantly in His Presence.
Friend, if you belong to Christ, take heart. For He has YOUR heart. You belong to Him. To let go of you, would be to let go of His very self.
Friend, if you don’t belong to Christ..but are curious as to who He really is and what this all can mean for you…let’s talk.