A morning reminder that Jesus is Lord over all, even of the Coronavirus.
Our infinite, omnipotent, omniscient God is the only One who is Limitless. He is the one who places limits on all of His Creation, even in its fallen, broken state. Yes, the Fall back in the Garden changed everything…but it did not change His sovereign power.
Remember? He is the one who keeps our Earth spinning, orbiting around the sun at just the perfect degree and distance. He is the one who holds back the mighty power of the ocean, telling the waves they may stop here and go no further.
The worst tornado, hurricane, forest fire, earthquake, and tsunami have a line they may not cross, a limit to their path of destruction. Jesus commanded the sea, “Peace, Be Still” as it rose up around the precarious fishing boat holding his disciples. He commanded demons to leave their tormented hosts, sickness to end its affliction, blindness to perfect clarity, deaf ears to interpret sound waves, leprosy to baby like skin renewal, and even death to rewind.
What terrifies us most are the things we cannot control, we cannot contain. With all our military might, our scientific savvy, our global economic acumen —with all of our Bigness and Human Achievement, humanity cowers to a tiny, microscopic organism. Its capabilities are crippling. We are woefully limited in our ability to contain and control it. But God. He holds the line. He holds the limit. He contains its path of havoc. The threat and power of the Coronavirus bows to His Sovereignty.
What a reminder to me, when I treasure my own perceived autonomy, of how fragile and utterly limited I am. What a reminder that my heart must be at “peace and be still” as I listen to His Voice. No matter the situation, I can rest in the almighty, merciful, and loving limits He places on me. I do not have to live in terror of this virus, as I live in light of the One who alone has authority over all.