Otherworldly Vision In Ordinary Life
I live between two worlds. My existence, and I suspect yours too, is both ethereal and earthy. While my body was born on the soil of this world, God has a world of eternity that He’s written on my heart.
Earth is made of earth: dust and dirt.
But the dirt here doesn’t just get inside your fingernails, it gets inside your head. The grit here doesn’t just grate between your teeth, it grates at your heart. And the mud here doesn’t just muddy the water, it muddies our perspective.
In the daily grind, I don’t want to just be trudging through the muck. If I’m not intentional, I’ll get stuck. So while my feet are planted here on Earth, God calls for my heart to be set on things above. In my ordinary days, in my ordinary life, He wants my eyes to view this world through an otherworldly lens: to live for what matters not only in this world, but in the world to come.
In this space I share what I’m learning about my vertical life (the ethereal), my horizontal life (the earthy), and the planes that these two often intersect. I talk about spiritual things, share a devotion, perspectives on relationships, and the everyday things of my very earthy life. It’s my hope to encourage you to have otherworldly vision in your ordinary life!